Friday, October 10, 2008

Congress of Broken Promises

As you think about who you are going to vote for this November ask your self are you better of then you were 2 years ago? If the answer is no then take a look at Congress both the House and Senate are in fact controlled by the Democrats who failed to live up to their campaign promises, increased deficit spending, and has the lowest EVERY approval ratings. But but but it's all President Bush's fault you say. I reply that the CONGRESS holds the power of the purse not the President. Also take a look at WHO received money from whom. You will find that the very people who are/were tasked by US the PEOPLE to monitor and safeguard our economy were the same people taking money from the very people they were supposed ot safeguarding it FROM!

So while it may be a historical belief that Democrats are good for the economy I charge you to look at the current mess and see who are the very ones who failed to safeguard our economy this time the answer: A Democratic Party controlled House and Senate, thats who.


Begining of The United Socialist States of America?

For me things have reached their boiling point or as Heston once said "I'm mad as Hell! and I'm not going to take it any more."
I've been home all week watching the piggster, while the wife is off with the mother in law in Vegas, and this has allowed me time to catch up with the news, research, and homework. All I can say is everything I have been hearing on news truthfully is scaring me to death. As just about every one with a pulse knows our economy is in a down turn and our Government's solution to turn things around? Nationalization. Well my fellow Americans all I can say is what they are talking about doing is not Capitalism but the beginning of a down ward spiral into Socialism. Capitalism rewards people for making smart decisions and succeeding, Socialism on the other rewards people who make bad decisions and failing. Now which system would you rather work under?

Now for the most part I have tried to be non-partisan in any article I write about the Presidential Candidates. However the time has come when I can no longer stand by and listen as one candidate would have us spiral even further down the road of Socialism and according to recent news stories not only has questionable ties to extremists (who some would call domestic terrorists) and others who hate this great country (relationships he has never really been truthful about), but who has now been linked to ACORN who has been implicated in VOTER FRAUD in over 13 states. But you may ask "Ish isn't this guit by association?"
To this I answer: My grandparents and parents have always told me "You are judged by the company you keep."

The candidate I have been talking about is of course Senator Obama, who's call for change may seem appealing to many people, these same people need to stop and ask themselves: Change to WHAT???? He has never answered this question and I will submit the change he calls for is really for a bigger swing towards SOCIALISM.

He has said he wants to give everyone making below $250,000 a year a tax cut. Well to me this means he wants to punish successful people and business. Last time I checked poor people didn't hire people or create new jobs. Many will say but he is calling for a tax cut for 95% of people how can that be a bad thing. Well 40% of those people don't pay any taxes already, so does this mean he will be giving them a free check? And who is going to pay for all this? The backbone of the economy and country: the middle class that's who! Now you may say and ask how can that when he is saying he wants to help the middle class... Let me tell you how he wants to help the middle class: by raising their taxes! When he ran for the Senate he promised a middle class tax cut. Not ONLY did the NOT even propose a single tax cut for ANYONE, he voted to increase taxes.

WAKE UP AMERICA! For too long the Democratic party has tried to use class warfare against the middle class. Well I, SAY NO TO SOCIALISM and NO MORE to using my fears against me! While I may not always agree with Senator McCain, at least he knows the meaning of personal responsibility and sacrifice! Before going to the polls this Nov, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH! Do not be fooled by empty promises and simple bumper sticker slogans of change. Actually take the time to look at the records of BOTH candidates and ask you self honestly who has the record they are open and honest about and who has an empty record and only real accomplishment has been running for office. I am a person of facts and at the end of the day the facts speak for themselves.

If you believe in a strong America and want someone of integrity to be running this great country vote McCain/Palin in Novemeber.

On the other hand if you believe in SOCIALISM and want someone who has been less than honest about their past and current ties to people of questionable character then by all means be the dumb sheep and vote Obama/Biden.

As with my sites main disclaimer: these thoughts and feelings are MY OWN and not in anyway those of the US Air Force and I am simply expressing them in accordance with my 1st Amendment Rights.

Till next time read and study your history for those that fail to learn it are doomed to repeat it. (Look and remember at what the people who lived under the last major attempt at national socialism, the USSR, went and are still going through. There is a reason the US won the cold war -> Capitalism, Democracy, and LIBERTY)


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Personal Responsibility

Since my last post about the bailout fiasco I've taken a little time off to focus on school. Well the bail out was passed last week and the markets are still in the drink. Tonight is the 2nd debate of the main candidates and I was going to write a post about my thoughts on the new muck slinging by both sides, until I opened my e-mail to the following comment: (BTW thanks for the comment! I'm alweays glad to receive feedback.)

"majgross has left a new comment on your post "Starship Troopers Redux":

I recently needed a quote regarding authority and responsibility and your blog was the first item in the google search. I only read your first blog, but I enjoyed it. Good work!

This comment got me thinking about Starship Troopers what I had said in that post about responsibility, especially personal responsibility. I also heard some of the AIG testimony and well frankly it made me sick. It wasn't our fault it was accounting rules. It wasn't my fault it was predatory lending. B.S. You made bad decisions/gambles and you lost. DEAL WITH IT! Right now the wife is in Vega with her mom celebrating her mom's 60th, while I'm home watching the piggybutt. Now the wife and I had set aside a set sum for her to play the tables with. Are we going to whine, complain, and demand our money back if she should lose? Heck no, we are going to accept the loss and move one. Basically the bailout is the opposite of this mentality. It is exactly what true socialism would have us do: REWARD the LAZY and PUNISH the hard working. Where is the help for the hard working people who made smart decisions, who accepted the need to get a second or third job to pay the bills? The answer from Washington: Crickets! WTF! I understand the need to help people but lets be real for a moment. Only about 6% are defaulting on their home loans, so we are going to make the other 94% work harder to foot the bill, rather then making them take responsibility for their bad decisions???

So going into the 2nd debate I have the following message to the two candidates:
To the Obama campaign I have the following comment: "Man, up. Accept personal responsibility for your past/current associations, stop dodging and give truthful answers when ask. My two debate questions for you would be: 1. How exactly do you plan to increase spending without increasing taxes across the board? Because let's face it the rich as you call them can't pay for it all. 2. What is you plan for getting us energy independent NOW not 10 years from now."
To the McCain campaign: " While I will agree with you and that it is important to know who a candidate and what they really stand for. Man up and give some details about how you would like to fix things. Also if you really want to attack your opponent confront them about their Fannie/Freddi connections. My two debate questions for you would be: 1. How exactly do you plan to get us out of this financial turmoil? 2. What is you plan for getting us energy independent NOW not 10 years from now."

Thanks again for your comment majgross, I'm glad you liked it.