Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Personal Responsibility

Since my last post about the bailout fiasco I've taken a little time off to focus on school. Well the bail out was passed last week and the markets are still in the drink. Tonight is the 2nd debate of the main candidates and I was going to write a post about my thoughts on the new muck slinging by both sides, until I opened my e-mail to the following comment: (BTW thanks for the comment! I'm alweays glad to receive feedback.)

"majgross has left a new comment on your post "Starship Troopers Redux":

I recently needed a quote regarding authority and responsibility and your blog was the first item in the google search. I only read your first blog, but I enjoyed it. Good work!

This comment got me thinking about Starship Troopers what I had said in that post about responsibility, especially personal responsibility. I also heard some of the AIG testimony and well frankly it made me sick. It wasn't our fault it was accounting rules. It wasn't my fault it was predatory lending. B.S. You made bad decisions/gambles and you lost. DEAL WITH IT! Right now the wife is in Vega with her mom celebrating her mom's 60th, while I'm home watching the piggybutt. Now the wife and I had set aside a set sum for her to play the tables with. Are we going to whine, complain, and demand our money back if she should lose? Heck no, we are going to accept the loss and move one. Basically the bailout is the opposite of this mentality. It is exactly what true socialism would have us do: REWARD the LAZY and PUNISH the hard working. Where is the help for the hard working people who made smart decisions, who accepted the need to get a second or third job to pay the bills? The answer from Washington: Crickets! WTF! I understand the need to help people but lets be real for a moment. Only about 6% are defaulting on their home loans, so we are going to make the other 94% work harder to foot the bill, rather then making them take responsibility for their bad decisions???

So going into the 2nd debate I have the following message to the two candidates:
To the Obama campaign I have the following comment: "Man, up. Accept personal responsibility for your past/current associations, stop dodging and give truthful answers when ask. My two debate questions for you would be: 1. How exactly do you plan to increase spending without increasing taxes across the board? Because let's face it the rich as you call them can't pay for it all. 2. What is you plan for getting us energy independent NOW not 10 years from now."
To the McCain campaign: " While I will agree with you and that it is important to know who a candidate and what they really stand for. Man up and give some details about how you would like to fix things. Also if you really want to attack your opponent confront them about their Fannie/Freddi connections. My two debate questions for you would be: 1. How exactly do you plan to get us out of this financial turmoil? 2. What is you plan for getting us energy independent NOW not 10 years from now."

Thanks again for your comment majgross, I'm glad you liked it.

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