Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Why HR 6899 ( Proposed Energy Bill) should be stopped

Okay here are some details about this bill:
Bans 88% of domestic oil
Bans all oil shale (estimates are 1.8 trillion to 8 trillion barrels in CO, WY, UT)
Raises taxes on the evil oil companies
Doesn't allow states to share any of the revenues, only the Feds
While it allows offshore drilling, it only allows it more that 100 miles from shore and only between 50 and 100 miles with states permission. (So Cuba could tap certain oil pockets off OUR shore but not us.)

While we need a comprehensive energy reform bill, this is one we don't need. What we really need is a bill that opens up offshore drilling as close as 1 inch and exploration of oil shale production WITH states permission. That being said the States who have those oil/shale reserves should logically benefit along side the Federal Government.
Regardless of how close you drill at least 5% of the revenue from any new drilling should go directly into the pockets of residents of those states and 10% should immediately invested into X Prize type competitions to help jump start research, development, and mass market productization of cost effective alternative energy sources that do not impact the cost of food! These can include but not limited to better battery technology for plug in cars, lower cost ways to product solar/wind/geo-therman power, low cost efficient natural gas/methane powered cars, etc.


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